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+EV Pontos
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+EV Pontos Control Panel
Here you will find additional information for our +EV Pontos policy.
In addition to these values, you might receive additional +EV Pontos in certain topics.
Please be aware, that the forum owner has the ability to disable complete forums from getting +EV Pontos!
General Information
+EV Pontos per attachment in a new post:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos for each new attachment:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos for new polls:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos per option in a new poll:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos per word in a new topic:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos per character in a new topic:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos per word in a new post:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos per character in a new post:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos costs per warning:
Currently you don’t have to pay any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos bonus upon registration:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos bonus:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos per forum topic:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos per forum post:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos per forum edit:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos per forum attachment download:
Currently you won’t receive any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos costs per topic in forum:
Currently you don’t have to pay any +EV Pontos for this
+EV Pontos costs per post in forum:
Currently you don’t have to pay any +EV Pontos for this
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